Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Simple Yellow Cake with Chocolate Ganache Icing

Melissa D'Arabian from the Food Network has once again inspired me. I love her simple style of cooking fresh but inexpensive meals for her family. Family cooking as cheap as I can... that's what I try to do! I was salivating as I watched her latest show where she made these jars of yellow cake with chocolate ganache icing. Yep, chocolate. Of course, I would love this recipe! Here's the link to her version of the recipe on Food Network where she puts these cakes in individual jars for baking and serving. I loved the idea of jars for servings because it limits your intake. Something my husband and I need to focus on! I used half pint mason jars when I made them. This recipe would also make 6 to 8 cupcakes, if you prefer.

It was Melissa's roasted broccoli recipe that got my kids to love not only broccoli, but also any other veggies that I roasted in the same manner, such as carrots, onions, and cabbage. I can most of the time get away with crispy oven roasted potatoes when I serve burgers too, which is much healthier than fried fries. I'll share those recipes with you in another post.

But today's post is about cake. Sweet simple cake. It was the simplicity of this recipe that enticed me. Also the fact that it makes a serving for four, so no extras to make us all eat more than we should!

This recipe uses ingredients that are around the house at all times. At least in my house. The only thing I don't have in my house is the half and half. Melissa says you can use whole milk instead, but we drink skim or fat free milk. So I do have to go out and purchase one thing, if I am making this. Since I plan my menus monthly,  I can put these cakes on the menu and make them twice with the purchase of one pint of half and half.

The ganache is perfect as an icing or on ice cream, fruit, or drizzled over anything! Yes, it would make cardboard taste great! Try it on some dry-almost too old- pound cake next time... talk about trash to treasure! Ok, so I eat it by the spoon sometimes too. Isn't admitting the problem the first step of recovery?

Melissa's Simple Yellow Cake
1 cup flour AP
1 tsp baking powder
½ tsp salt
½ cup butter
½ cup sugar
2 eggs
1 tsp vanilla
¼ cup ½ & ½
Bake at 325 for 25 mins. Ice with Chocolate Ganache.

Chocolate Ganache
½ cup choc chips 
¼ cup ½ & ½  
Place half and half or cream in microwave safe bowl. Microwave for 3 minutes or until hot. Add chocolate chips and allow to sit for 5 minutes. Use a whisk to blend chocolate chips into a smooth shiny scrumptious concoction. 

Maybe I will get pictures next time...

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Did you know that I can cook?

I've been super busy for several months with my crafting business and other family related health issues. I've been cooking for my parents and my family for a year and a half. In that time, I've tried tons of recipes, many from Pinterest (you must try this obsession of mine! If you love recipes... this is the place!). Now I have been married over 17 years, and to look at my husband and I you would know that I do know how to cook. What I plan to do with this portion of my blog is share with my two daughters. They are my main goal. They are my audience. You, I'm happy to say, are unintended benefits!

However, if you don't agree with my food choice, how "frugal" my option is, or the lack of variety of meals. Sorry. This blog is REAL. REAL!! This is what my family eats! This is our food. We are meat and potatoes people. Chicken is cheap, so we eat it a lot!

Leftovers. We hate them too, but we learned to eat them after thinking about some of the packaged products at the store. Rotisserie chickens...leftover from being cooked at a previous time, if you are lucky, earlier that day. Sliced chicken in the sandwich meat section...leftover. We don't eat our leftovers several days later, it is usually the next day. This is out of necessity and because it is fresher that way. Of course, I would love to cook fresh every single day, but with family obligations and health issues, I can't. So, I make enough for 2 meals. This could be a complete repeat meal, well, ok, usually it is a repeat meal. But sometimes I do re-work the foods into a new dish. But we love grilled chicken. Having it the second day is not an issue for us at all! Even having it 3 days!

I will also share how I plan my monthly menu. How I cut grocery costs to feed a family of 6 for less than $250. Hint #1 is PLANNING and sticking to your list!  I will explain how you can "earn" a FREE MONTH of food each year by following simple guidelines! YES!! A WHOLE MONTH OF FOOD FREE! This is always really helpful in January, when the Christmas bills are being paid.

It is my hope that preparing this blog of recipes will help my girls know more than I did when I left home.

I hope my girls will never have to be frugal. BUT I hope they will be, no matter how much money they have. I am frugal with some things others are not optional (for ex. diet Dr. Pepper), but again, if you are not happy with the level of my frugality, then you make better choices. For us, this works! Thanks so much for stopping by!

Now, put on your feed bag, ask the Lord to your food, and chow down!